Thursday, March 18, 2010

Whats in a name?

I have quite a few rides under my belt since I last blogged. Of course once a week isn't enough but I try to ride as many different trails as possible. Amongst the collection of pictures is a trail with at least three names already and its a new trail! And then there is probably the least known trail in the whole cottonwood system(it sure looks it anyways).
The newest trail in the system is called Mikes Prostate(the builder I think), The waterfall trail, and Rusty bucket. Only in Las Vegas do we have so many names for the same trail. It seems all of our trails have multiple names. It makes it hard talking about a ride with another rider as you keep getting corrected on what they think is the right name.
Secondly, the Lizard Trail. As far as I know this is the only name for this trail and is part of the Bonnie and Clyde Trail system(or whats left of it). One of the cool things about this trail is the abandoned truck out in the middle of nowhere. That, and the brutal climb/hike a bike at the end of the trail.
Of course there is The Wash. Everyone knows the wash. Its not really a trail so much as the center for getting to all other trails. Its a great place to meet other riders or look around the valley while you determine what trails you want to piece together for the days epic loop. The last couple weeks its also been running with water, a promise of a soaker(a wet foot) as you ride through to get to your destination.
Time to post some pictures now as I plan my day and figure out how I am going to get out of the house and ride tonight.